Today you are going to learn how to find friends on FB without logging in or find a person on Facebook without logging in. It is possible to search people on Facebook without an account or log in. Yes, you can search Facebook without logging in and search facebook profiles without logging in possible.
No doubt, Facebook is number social media platform today. People are sharing their social life on the Facebook. A few people can’t resist themselves to use the Facebook. They share on their FB wall, page, groups and stalk friend’s activities. Today, even a layman knows how to use Facebook for personal or business purpose. Who can access the internet have own Facebook profile. Now you can easily trace your kindergarten friends on Facebook. It’s good to get connect with your buddies. Are eager to know how do others without a Facebook account trace their KG friends on Facebook? Using a few options you can search for someone on Facebook without creating or having an account and log in.
Now Facebook offering search privacy settings, so that number of people are using them. In that case, you will not be able to get any information about those persons on the public search results. The reason for this security measure is to keep personal information safe from stalkers, who may be good or bad.
1. Use Facebook Directory to Find Someone without Login
Facebook Directory is very similar to yellow pages. There you can check the active Facebook users. To search KG friend you only need to enter the Facebook profile names in the given search box, alternatively, you can browse people in alphabetical order. Facebook Director is also listing FB pages with maximum fans and following and place with maximum check-ins.
You can use following Facebook Directory URL to search Facebook profiles without login.
The search result page displays the list of matching names that you are searching for.
2. Facebook People Search
The People Search page on Facebook is the official search page. You can use Facebook search for people without logging in. You can enter the Kindergarten friend’s name and the search result will display the list of FB profiles who have the same name.
This way you can search and stay connected with your buddies. If you are not able to search your friend then narrow down the search. There is an option to provide additional detail like city, school, college etc. If you are still unable to find KG friend then his/her personal details as masked or he/she is not using Facebook. But you can give another try by creating a Facebook account and then search for your friend’s profile.
3. Social Searcher
You can find your friends and content published on social media using free social media search engine Social Searcher. You can search for people without logging in and their publicly posted content. This Social Searcher is not limited to Facebook only, it can also search other popular social media sites.
The search result page displays matching Facebook account names including their recent activities, also from different social networking sites.
4. Google Search
Yes, you can Google to find your KG friends on Facebook. You need to provide correct information to Google and can complete your search. There is search string NAME. Don’t forget to change NAME with your friend’s name. On the search result pages, you can see the matching profiles and navigate to find the desired profile. Just click on the desired profile and you’ll redirect to the people search page on Facebook.
5. Browser Add-ons
Yes, there are web browser add-ons to search for people on Facebook without logging in. You can download these add-ons for free. These are available for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc. Listing all of these add-ons is not possible. I am suggesting a few names, you find rest by yourself.
People Search Engine is Firefox add-on to search for people on Facebook without logging in.
All in One Internet Search is a Chrome extension that can be used to search for people on Facebook without logging in.
I believe methods given above will be helpful for you. You’ll able to find people, pages, groups, or other content details on Facebook. I recommend having a Facebook account to stay connected with your family, friends, and acquaintances.